Hometown: Havana City, Cuba.
The first job I ever had: Mail Man.
Why did you decide on a Dental Field? There were only 2 doctors in my hometown. My elementary school used to take some student to shadow Dr Martinez. That changed my perspective about dentistry, how little things are so important in every aspect of our lives. Teeth matters!
Hobbies and Interests: Grill baby grill!! I work out too when my little boss let me do it.
What is something people don’t know about you? I do windsurfing.
What is your favorite food? Cuban food especially Oxtail.
The Professional Side
Dr. Daniel Marquez was born and raised in Havana, Cuba. Without having any dental professional in his family, he pursued this profession with passion. He graduated from Havana Dental School in 2012 and he was awarded a fellowship by the Oral Surgery and Pharmacology Department for his outstanding performance during school time. After moving to United States in 2015 he was accepted at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine and graduated in 2020. Dr Marquez is passionate about dentistry but mostly Oral Surgery. Since graduation he has done more than 300 hours of Implant dentistry CE courses. He holds an active Fellowship degree from the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID).
The Personal Side
In his spare time, Dr Marquez likes to travel, cook new recipes, workout and spend time with his family.